Love Yourself

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

How to get rid of lack in your life concerning your health, happiness, success and money. Create the beauty of loving rather than the ‘necessity of existence’.

There are many factors involved in the dissatisfaction in one’s life, especially with the micro-technology revolution.

You are not small or unimportant, you can be anything you want to be in life, and it can be yours.

Discover the power to change yourself. Yes, you can be a winner in life and

  1. Change your bad luck

  2. Gain respect

  3. Have charm and magnetism

  4. Be rich

  5. Be happy and contended

You can be great! You can be anything you want! We all want to be

  1. Secure

  2. Treated with respect

  3. Have enough money

Nothing can stop you from this true personal greatness.

The only thing that stops you being a success in your life is the attitude you have towards yourself.

The Ancients knew that to have a positive attitude towards yourself is a starting point to creating greatness.

Be Kind to Yourself

The only way good can transpire for yourself, is to learn to be good and kind to yourself, the world starts to be good to you.

Now to have all that you desire transpire you first must have the admiration of the world, and you can only truly have that once you start to admire yourself. List right now on a piece of paper:

  1. Your strongest character

  2. The most likeable aspect of your personality, and

  3. All the things you are good at.

Don’t think what you dislike about yourself, concentrate on the good!

Your Rich Goodness

You have plenty to be proud of – open your eyes to the goodness in you.

Be Your Own Best Friend

From now, think only the best of yourself – it doesn’t matter a hang what anyone else thinks of you – love yourself freely and openly! From now on you’re going to think the world of yourself. You are now going to be your best friend.

The moment you think bad of yourself, look at the list you created earlier of your goodness, and look at it every time you think it off yourself.

Be kind to yourself and the world will be kind to you!

