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How to Get Rid of Head Lice

What are lice?

  • LICE or LOUSE (singular) is a form of wingless insect which dwells on the host’s (usually mammals and birds) scalp.

  • They are the scavengers feeding on our blood and sweat.

  • They die if taken away from the host.

What Happens in lice?

  • Severe uncontrollable itching on the scalp.

  • Ticklish feeling on the head anytime anywhere.

  • The eggs/nits of lice are attached to strands of hair.

  • Red bumps and sores occur after scratching.

  • Secondary bacterial infection may occur due to excessive scratching.

What are Causes of Lice?

  • They spread from one host to another in many ways like:

  • Personal contact with the children who are infested with while playing at school or home.

  • Sharing of hair bands or head gear with people who are infected with lice.

  • Using pillows, bed, carpet, etc. of the infected persons.

What are Risk Factors for Lice?

  • Everybody likes long hair, and so do lice!

  • So, girls & boys with long hair are at greater risk and need to take extra care.

  • Poor personal hygiene encourages lice infestation.

  • Overcrowding helps in spread of lice.

  • Inadequate sanitation provides fertile ground for lice to grow and spread.

What can Lice Lead to?

  • Thick, rough and leathery skin.

  • Breaking open of skin causes wounds leading to various infections.

  • Sleep disturbances and psychological disturbances.

  • Lack of concentration in studies.

  • Poor performance at work.


  • Sanitation: Maintain a clean environment, so that lice do not get to breed and spread.

  • Personal Hygiene: Having a bath daily, regularly shaving facial as well as pubic hair, wearing washed and clean clothes, etc

  • Hair Care: Check for lice in your hair at least twice a week and keep a watch for symptoms suggestive of lice infestation, especially in children.


  • Nails: Avoid long nails as they can tear skin and aggravate pain while scratching and lead to secondary infection.

  • Sharing Personal Items: Avoid sharing of personal items like combs, towels, clothes, etc. with friends or relatives, especially if they are suspected/known to be infected.

  • Physical Contact: Keep distance from persons/children who are suspected or known to have lice in their hair.

Diet & Nutrition

There is NO PARTICULAR DIET for lice.

  • Eating a healthy & balanced diet helps maintain good health of scalp and prevents lice infestation.

  • Have a diet rich in vitamins and minerals for good hair and scalp health.

  • A diet rich in proteins prevents & repairs breakage of hair due to lice infestation.

  • Have a healthy diet that helps build up one’s immune system.

Homeopathic Approach

  • Medicines are customized to suit unique condition of each individual patient.

  • There are no known side effects, when prescribed correctly.

  • Safe for all age groups – from new-borns to centurions – and even during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Role of Homeopathy in Lice

Homeopathic Remedies for Lice

Remedies for lice based on minute differentiating factors such as:

  • Unhealthy skin with oozing of sticky pus – Graphitis

  • Itching. burning & bleeding that are worse in the evening – Kreosotum

  • Boils with hot sweat and itching that is worse after sleep – Lachesis

  • Dry, rough, lustreless hair with intolerable itching and dread of cold air-Psorimum.

Such fine differentiation amongst remedies based on minute observation makes Homeopathy a unique medical science.

Few Amazing Homeopathic Remedies for Lice

  • Homeopathy has more than 75 highly effective remedies for permanent and quick treatment of lice.

  • Every person’s remedy is selected on the basis of that person’s constitution. Thus, 5 persons with lice may ned 5 different homeopathic remedies.

  • A few commonly used homeopathic remedies for lice are:

  • Sabadilla

  • Lycopodium

  • Staphysagria

  • Vinca minor

  • Cocculus…….and many more….

Few Amazing Remedies for Lice

Some of the amazing ‘Jewels of Homeopathy’ for treatment of lice are:


  • Severe itching, redness and inflammation of scalp after scratching due to lice infestation.

  • Scratching increases the itching rather than providing any relief.

  • Thick dry, scabs, itch violently.

  • Scratching in one place causes itching to shift to another place.

Carbolic Acid

  • It is useful for pubic lice infestations.

  • Formation of itchy blisters on skin.

  • Child feels lazy with disinclination to study with headache.

  • Persons have a very strong sense smell in general.

  • It can be used locally in the homeopathic mother tincture to eradicate lice from the scalp & hair.

  • Few amazing remedies for lice.


  • Lice affecting the skin of body including head.

  • Hot, burning, crawling and creeping sensation on the scalp.

  • Skin dry like parchment.

  • Person is nervous, timid, easily startled.

  • She imagines that she is very sick or that she has cancer.

We hope this information helped you.

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